Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society
held at 31/32 High St, Albrighton,
on Monday 4th December 2017 at 2pm

Present :       Peter Woodman - Chairman
Mike Pitchford – Treasurer
Bob Hickson
Peter Illes
Ron Kidson
Phyl Woodman
David Beechey (ex-officio representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC)
David Thomas (ex-officio representing Boningale PC)


1. Apologies Rod Smith and Gaynor Richards

2. Minutes of Meeting of 6th November 2017 were approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report.MP reported one payment for plants for planters leaving a balance of £2,234,79

4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues

a) Village Entrances Scheme.
Kingswood Rd/A41
MP and PBW reported that neither Anne Breakwell nor any of her staff had answered requests to complete the grass cutting at this site. PBW would try again.
DT said he would arrange for the roses and the two beds of shrubs to be maintained in future by Boningale Parish Council after MP had said that David Marshall would cut the roses down before the end of this year. MP explained that he had asked DM to do this as he had in previous years when pruning David Thompson’s farmland hedges.

b) Eyesores.
BH reported that he had agreed a programme with Michael Ward of APC to allocate to Councillors specific areas of the parish for monitoring of eyesores. BH also reported that he had made a useful contact with an SC member of staff based in Bridgnorth who had promised assistance in dealing with eyesores when funds became available in the SC new financial year 2018/2019.
PBW reported that there had been no progress with the ex- Barclays Bank premises but he would raise again with Ian Kilby of SC in a forthcoming meeting planned to discuss the Jessups planning application.

c) Questionnaire re SC’s proposal to charge 30p/hr for the Crown Car Park
No news was available re possible parking charges by SC on the Crown Car Park

d) East of Shaw Lane Development – a  meeting should take place soon with Ian Kilby and Richard Fortune of SC- delayed because of Malcolm Pate’s absence.
Further drainage sewage problems had occurred in Shaw Lane reported by Geoff Catlin.
PBW reported that Michael Ward had not had any response from Severn Trent but he and RS and MW would chase.
BH suggested that we should enlist Mark Pritchard our MP in support of the campaign to prevent the Jessups’s application being approved in its current form and PBW said he would contact him.
DB stated that he understood that Jessups had made a revised planning application but this still maintained the traffic access to and from Shaw Lane.
e)  The revised Albrighton Village Plan - to be discussed at the APC December meeting.

f) Station Pedestrian Access Ramp
PBW reported that SC had reinstated the funding for the necessary safety works involved and that Alice Dilly was now in touch with James Woof of Network Rail so that the project could be completed in the Spring/Summer of 2018


5. Matters arising
a) Albrighton leaflet revision etc.
It was agreed that consideration of this item should be postponed to the January meeting of the Committee. It was suggested that grant applications could be made to RAF Cosford and to the Coop to fund the costs of producing any new literature.

b) Audio Equipment.  MP reported that he had made a grant application for £672 for this audio equipment.  MP was also pleased to report that the application to Veolia had been successful and ADCS had been awarded a grant of £200. He would be attending a function in Shrewsbury at which the grant to ADCS and others would be presented.
PBW, on behalf of the Committee thanked MP for all of his efforts in obtaining this award from Veolia.

c) Community Chest.
It was agreed that PBW would discuss the possibility of ADCS being a candidate for Community Chest donations with Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bird

6. AOB
a)  Adopt a Station Scheme
MP reported on the very satisfactory progress being made with this project and its official launch at the station during the previous week

b) Albrighton Swimming Pool and FASP Lottery
MP and PBW reported on the very satisfactory progress of the lottery and the work being done led by Roger Rudman to plan for possible the development of the pool complex so that it could become an all year round facility.

b) Volunteer Help
PBW reported on the request by Mrs Sue Helliwell to become involved with ADCS projects and several ideas were mooted which PBW would discuss with her.


Next  meeting:  2p.m. Monday 8th January 2017 at 31/32 High St. (Peter Woodman’s house). 

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 5th February 2018.

Next Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 8th October 2018

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October